Blogging Nate

Monday, March 13, 2006 *** 9:16 pm *** 6 lbs, 6 oz *** 18 3/8 inches Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, October 03, 2005

Week 16 - Refusing the Quad Screen

The Quad Screen is an optional prenatal screening for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Neural Tube Defects (spina bifida) performed at 15-20 weeks. It has an insanely high panic-inducing false positive rate. The results are presented as odds, such as your odds for a Down's baby are 1:200.

3-5% of all multiple marker screens performed carry false positive results, and only 10% of those false positives are actual positives.

If you generate a positive result (higher than normal odds) from this test you may be referred to genetic counselor, have an amniocentesis performed, or a level 2 ultrasound ordered to gather more information.

In addition to the high instance of inaccuracy, we refused this test because what some people call "preparing" I call "worrying myself into a state of crazy". If this child is physically or mentally deficient in some way, I really don't think there is anything I can do or think of over the next few months will be productive in any way. Conversely, not knowing allows me to be blissfully drunk for the next few months over the prospect of having a fat and healthy baby.


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